The day before Ascension Thursday, that is, on the 16th of May, I received again an envelope from Mete Sarabi:

The envelope contained some 10 sheets with Add&Pass-on productions. I was irritated, frustrated: "I don't like these Add&Pass-on things." "I am not going to add just one element and then copy the sheets and send the whole business to somebody else!" However, one day later, at the beginning of my 4-day long Ascension w.e. ("on faisait le pont"), I thought that I could "do something" with / on the sheet that was most empty. And so I transformed


And then I got the idea that if I could take each sheet individually and rework it, it could be fun!
And so I did.
I sent the Red lipped "Yesterday was Woensdag 16 mei, a W-day for We-people" to the young anthropologist Siebrichie, in a Chinese envelope.

The next emptiest sheet

was transformed into another Red lipped male heroic specimen

and I sent it to my mail_art friend LYDIE:

Regarding the next one, I forgot to take a photograph of the original, so I restored it as much as possible by putting little while sheets on my already_made_additions, where possible…

OK, but my added sheet was

and I sent it to Pati Bristow, a woman discovered on the Internet and who has an ongoing mail_art call for PEACE-NO MORE WAR:

Number 4, originally


and went to MARIE-PIERRE, the other member of the Rocquencourt mail_art gang!

The next one, originally

went, in its transformed form

to João Alberto Lupin, found on Internet and who seemed to be interested in add&pass_on mail_art. In addition, he is living in Brazil, a country that, though its Portuguese language has a particular significance for me.

I completely forgot to make a photograph of the original of N° 6…, but it became

and went to Laura Barletta, another Internet discovery!

N° 7


and went to Céline Guichard (yes, another woman from the internet).
The next one, n° 8, was

and had to go to a man with a sense of humour. Zapping on mail_art related Internet sites, I had discovered already a Frenchman, Denis Charmot. He seemed to be the designed recipient of this add&pass_on…

And last, but not least, n° 9, which I did not like AT ALL before TRANSFORMATION

AFTERWARDS, I liked it very much. I sent it to Fat Red Ant, very TRANSFORMED:

Systematic as I am, I feel obliged to show Mete Sarabi's material that I did not (YET!) use!